12 Things that should (& should NOT) be a part of  your skincare routine: 

1. Drink water

This helps to keep your skin hydrated and healthy throughout the day.

2. Have a morning routine & a night routine.

You wouldn’t brush your teeth just once a day… so, don’t skimp on a nightly skincare routine!

3. Wash your pillowcases!

Even though you’ve washed your face before bed, your pillowcase still gets a lot of bacteria on it. When you don’t wash / use clean pillowcases you risk that bacteria getting into your pores and creating some pretty unpleasant acne.

Pro tip: Use Silk Pillowcases! Silk actually helps diminish signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles.


When you pop your own pimple you have more of a pain tolerance and determination that allows for that satisfaction of popping a pimple.

But, more often than not, you’re not waiting for that pimple to become a white head so you use your fingers and nails to “bring it to the surface.” You might get some pus and maybe some blood... satisfying?

Let’s talk about how much worse you’ve just made this. By using your nails you can break capillaries and actually cause dark spots to form (hyperpigmentation). Plus you’re adding bacteria into now broken skin which will inevitably make your pimple worse.

So, No more Bathroom Surgery, LEAVE IT TO THE PROS and go see your esthetician!

5. Stop using makeup remover wipes!

Makeup remover wipes can actually dry out your skin and cause sensitivity (redness).

Instead, use a more natural alternative like grape seed oil. It doesn’t strip away moisture while taking off your makeup like most retail brand makeup wipes do.

6. Use a gentle exfoliator twice a week!

Don’t be fooled by products that “feel” like it’s exfoliating away that dead skin. Products like St. Ives contain crushed up walnut shells that actually cause microscopic tears in your skin (which can cause premature aging like fine lines and wrinkles).
Purchase a gentle exfoliator today through our online shop. Check out Image Skincare gentle exfoliators like the Vital C Hydrating Enzyme Mask and Ormedic Balancing Gel Polisher.

Check out our online shop for the Vital C Hydrating Repair Crème and more amazing moisturizers for your specific skin type.

7. Use a professional facial skincare moisturizer EVERY DAY, twice a day.

Apply to your décolleté (chest), neck, and face for results you will love.

8. Avoid touching your skin throughout the day...

You touch a lot of stuff throughout your day. Washing your hands is super important to help stop the spread of disease and germs.

But, you still want to refrain from touching your face. Remember bacteria is microscopic and most hand sanitizers only kill 99.9% of bacteria... Do you really want to rub that .1% into your pores?

9. Clean your makeup brushes!!!

Just because they only go on YOUR face doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep them clean.

Cleaning your brushes helps kill bacteria that is growing on your brush. When you don’t clean your brushes and then apply makeup, you’re rubbing bacteria into your pores.


When you start to see a breakout you might be wondering why it’s happening when you’re following a great skincare routine with awesome products, drinking water, and yet your acne is alive and well. Get in the habit of cleaning your makeup brushes and see what an improvement it makes to your skin!


Even if you’re staying home.
Even if it’s overcast out.
AND Especially when it’s daytime.

Did you know?…Did you know that your phone, computer screen, and other electronics (with screens) emit a blue light that is actually really bad for your skins health? Yup. Don’t let your phone age you. Wear SPF every single day (no matter what you’re doing) and keep your skin protected.

Check out our online shop for the Daily Hydrating Moisturizer + SPF 30 and more SPF options to keep your skin protected all day long.

11. TAKE A.C.E.

Vitamins A, C, & E help tremendously to keep you and your skin young, hydrated, and glowing.

12. See your esthetician at least once per month!

For an expert facial that includes: cleansing, skin analysis, exfoliation with steam, extractions, professional grade masks (only the pros get), serum, moisturizer + SPF

Plus, your skincare pro will customize your facial towards the specific needs of your skin and leave you with some awesome recommendations for products to use.

Pro tip: Remember, getting a facial from your esthetician does not replace a daily and nightly routine. In order to maintain the progress your esthetician provided you with during your service, it is imperative to use REAL skincare products. Yes, the price might feel steep at first, but when you’re still using that same bottle of cleanser or moisturizer two months after you bought it… You’re going to realize quickly just how much you were overpaying on harmful products from the drugstore. Don’t waste your money and harm your skin in between facial appointments. Use professional skincare products that lead to results. Not retail products from your corner store that are filled with harmful ingredients that can actually heighten your problems instead of helping them.


If you’re in the East Rutherford, Bergen County, Marlboro, Monmouth County, New Jersey areas BOOK YOUR NEXT SERVICE WITH LEMON BEE


Chemical Peels For Beginners